Healthy Bubbly & My New Years Resolutions – Kayla Itsines

Healthy Bubbly & My New Years Resolutions

Sweat -
Healthy Bubbly & My New Years Resolutions


New Year's Eve is just around the corner and if you're hosting a gathering, these waters are the perfect thing to serve! Forget sugary soft drinks that are bad for you, these babies are packed full of yummy fruits and look amazing on the table. These are just some of my favourite combos, you can add anything you like really! I like using sparkling water to give that bubbly effect, but I will also use still water in some so that there is variety and it caters to everyone.

This year has gone by so quickly, I have achieved more than I would have ever imagined and it's only the beginning for me! Here are my New Year's Resolution's 2015:
1. Work on improving my personal-best workout times
2. Improve and be happy with my posture by the end of 2015

I would LOVE to know your New Year's Resolutions, tell me in the comments below!

1. Watermelon & Mint

Cube some watermelon and add torn mint leaves. You could also crush the watermelon in to make it more of a slushy consistency, add less water if you choose to do this.watermelon-and-mint-drink

2. Raspberry & Lime
Toss some raspberries, lime slices and mint into your jug for this refreshing combo.

3. Strawberry, Basil & Lemon
This is a classic combo that tastes amazing. Tear up fresh basil leaves along with slices strawberries and a good amount of lemon juice.
4. Blueberry Citrus

This one works really well in sparkling water. Simply add blueberries and orange slices to your jug.
5. Cucumber, Mint & Lemon
This is another refreshing water that I also love to drink first thing in the morning. If you live in a warm climate your guests will appreciate this. 

Happy New Year!
Love, Kayla xx

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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