We Don’t All Have The Same 24 Hours In A Day, And That’s Okay – Kayla Itsines

We Don’t All Have The Same 24 Hours In A Day, And That’s Okay

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We Don’t All Have The Same 24 Hours In A Day, And That’s Okay

As much as I love sharing my life online, cheering you on and seeing all of the amazing things the Sweat with Kayla community are achieving, social media can sometimes be a pretty overwhelming and confusing place. 

This week I shared my latest Treadmill Talk where I discussed comparison culture, and I want to remind you the only person you should be comparing yourself to is who you were yesterday. Not me, not other fitness trainers, not celebrities, not influencers, and not even your own friends. Comparison really is the thief of joy, and the more you can focus on YOU and celebrate your own strengths and wins, the better you’re going to feel.

Other people can provide you with inspiration and support, but they should never be the yardstick by which you measure yourself - especially if it’s someone you don’t know in real life. 

You will only ever be you and you will only ever live your life, so don’t compare your life to others. Instead, let’s put all of that incredible energy into feeling great about ourselves.

Everyone says you have the same 24 hours in a day as someone else, but that is not true

Sure, we all technically have the same amount of time, but my 24 hours and your 24 hours are not the same. And that is completely okay! 

I know so many women in the Sweat with Kayla community compare themselves to me. But you have to remember, working out, being active and filming fitness content is my job. So yes, of course I’m going to be fit and strong, because it’s what I do.

You might have a nine to five job and spend most of your day sitting at a desk. Are your opportunities to be active throughout the day or do a workout going to be the same as mine? Of course not! 

I don’t want ANYONE in my community to be looking at me and thinking “why can’t I be working out like that?” Our lifestyles, commitments and responsibilities are so different, and that should be a source of celebration, not comparison. I mean, imagine how boring life would be if we all lived the exact same lives!

Why I don’t compare myself to other people

Over the years I’ve gotten much better at focusing on my own life, but I know how easy it can be to compare yourself. I look at basically every other mum and think they’re doing so much better than me!

I see mums who have multiple kids and manage to get up every single day and not only get themselves ready, but get the kids up, fed and off to school, before then doing a full day’s work! Then they somehow find the time to fit in a workout, cook dinner, make sure homework gets done and get the kids to bed. There are so many parents who do this day in and day out, and it blows me away. You really are superheroes. 

While I’m in awe of these incredible women, I know comparing myself to them won’t  help me. It would make me feel worse and take up precious time that could be spent with my daughter Arna.

I also know there are plenty of people out there who can run faster than me or lift heavier weights than me, but I only ever want those people to be a source of inspiration for me to become the best version of myself - not a reason to feel like I don’t measure up.

How to develop a better relationship with social media

First, take some time to think about your relationship with social media, who you follow and how it makes you feel. It’s important to make sure you’re using it for the right reasons.  

Remind yourself you’re following people for inspiration, not comparison, and remember there is so much of their life you’re not seeing. Even people who appear to have it all together have their own personal struggles. 

If your screen time is making you feel low or you’re spending more time online than you would like, perhaps taking a break or unfollowing some people could be a really positive step for you. Try and find people to follow that make you feel great! For example, there are so many inspiring women in the Sweat with Kayla community who inspire and motivate me.

Become the BEST version of yourself

You will only ever be you, so why not work on yourself and put all of your energy into making you and your life the best it can be.

Once you’ve figured out your goal or direction, find one small action you can do today that would have a positive impact on your life, how you feel, and will get you just a little bit closer to achieving your goals. 

Maybe it’s aiming to drink more water, going for a walk around the block, trying your first 10 minute workout, or sneaking a few more vegetables into your dinner. Pick one achievable action you can take today and celebrate it! When that change starts to feel like a habit, pick another one, and keep making those tiny changes.

If comparing yourself is a habit you find hard to shake (or you just love a bit of friendly competition), there’s one comparison you CAN make on your journey, and that’s to the person you were yesterday.  

When you look back in a few months’ time, you'll be amazed at how far you have come.

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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