The Truth About Coffee

Ah, coffee… we either love it or hate it, or alternatively, base our ability to survive Mondays on it! I know there are some days where it feels like you need a coffee just to get through the day, and then others you feel perfectly fine without it.
While having a cup of coffee a day, or every once in awhile may not be the worst thing for you, I still think it’s important to be aware of what you’re putting in your body, especially if you drink it regularly.
So, you might be wondering if coffee is good or bad for you. Well, here are a few truths about coffee (both the good and the bad) that I think we should all know:
Coffee can increase mental awareness
One of the active ingredients in coffee that we all know (and love!) is caffeine, which is a stimulant. When we’re tired and in need of sleep, our brain can release neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that tell our body it’s time to rest. Stimulants, such as caffeine, often work by getting in the way of this process, allowing you to feel more alert and focussed.
Now, before you run down to the closest coffee shop and order three takeaway coffees, do keep in mind that having too much coffee won’t turn you into Albert Einstein. In fact, drinking too much coffee can actually cause some people to experience heart palpitations, to feel jittery or find it difficult to focus. The key here is balance. Be aware of the amount of caffeine you’re consuming, so that you don’t go overboard and end up feeling worse.
You’ve heard me say this a million times, but it’s SO important for you to listen to your body. It’s important to understand that these neurotransmitters your body releases aren’t the enemy — they are there to help you recognise that it’s time to slow down. So, if you’re constantly drowning out tiredness with coffee, then you might be preventing your body from recognising when it need to rest. This may eventually lead to burnout, causing you to feel exhausted and sick, and nobody wants that!
It can be more than just a pick-me-up
As well as caffeine, did you know coffee actually contains other natural chemicals that can benefit the body?
Caffeic acid is one example — it’s a strong antioxidant that can help to combat free radicals. Simply put, ‘free radicals’ are small chemical compounds that can react with your body’s cells and cause damage. This damage can cause us to age and make us susceptible to a number of diseases. Some research also suggests that caffeic acid may also help to reduce inflammation. Those are a couple of perks I’m sure we can all get excited about!
It can be addictive
I’m sure we’ve all experienced how good coffee is at pulling us out of an early morning or mid-afternoon slump!
If you’re a frequent coffee drinker (someone who drinks it every single day, or even multiple times per day), it’s possible that over time your body will begin to rely on coffee to function normally. This can be concerning, because you may depend on drinking coffee to stay awake and alert. This dependence on coffee can also make cutting back your caffeine intake a difficult process.
Being aware of how you feel before and after drinking coffee can be a good indicator of how much your body relies on it. It’s always good to be aware of your habits before they turn into ones that are hard to break. Try some of my favourite coffee substitutes if you’re trying to cut back on caffeine.
Coffee can influence nutrient absorption
Did you know drinking coffee may actually have a negative impact on how your body absorbs other nutrients? Research suggests that drinking coffee at the same time as eating a meal may actually interfere with your body’s ability to absorb iron. Iron is an important mineral because it helps to transport oxygen to all of your body’s cells so that they can function. This is so relevant because iron deficiency is very common, especially in women. So, to give your body the best chance of absorbing the iron in your food, it’s generally recommended that you don’t drink coffee at meal times. While this may not affect everyone, if you’re someone who already has low iron levels, coffee’s effect on nutrient absorption is something to be aware of.
Coffee isn’t JUST coffee
I’m sure you can agree there are very few of us whose cup of coffee consists of JUST coffee. For most, this cup of coffee also includes a generous serving of milk and maybe even a dash of sugar. That takes your cup of coffee to ‘coffee with…’. Now, I know what you’re thinking — milk is good for us, right?
While milk can provide our body with important nutrients such as calcium and protein, it also naturally contains a small amount of saturated fat. As fat provides our body with lots of energy (9 calories per gram), if you’re drinking multiple cups of coffee per day, it can have a massive impact on the number of calories you’re consuming. Add in that single teaspoon of sugar with each coffee you have, and it can add up quite quickly. While I don’t encourage calorie counting, this is something to keep in mind if you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve certain health and fitness goals. You can make a cup of coffee healthier, simply by being mindful of what you’re adding to it!
Like all things, coffee is something that can be of benefit when consumed in the right amounts. However, if you are someone who relies on coffee (or multiple coffees) to function every day, then take a look at other aspects of your lifestyle that may cause you to feel like you need it. Remember to listen to your body and always do what feels right for you. I know how easy it can be to accept a coffee from a co-worker or to absentmindedly order one with breakfast “just because”. Try not to overdo it. If you are constantly feeling tired or lethargic, try to get more sleep and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
Love, Kayla xx
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.
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