Is There a Wrong Way to Eat Protein? | Common Protein Mistakes – Kayla Itsines

Is There a Wrong Way to Eat Protein?

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Is There a Wrong Way to Eat Protein?


Eating protein the right way can help support muscle growth, as well as making recovery after a tough session easier. If you’re skimping on protein, it can be hard for your body to get the fuel it needs to maintain lean muscle.

How & When to Eat Protein: Common Mistakes

It’s really easy to be confused about how and when to eat protein, as there are so many different opinions floating around! Today I’m going to point out some common mistakes people make when it comes to getting their protein intake!

You are too focused on only eating complete proteins

Complete protein sources have all the essential amino acids that your body needs, but isn’t able to produce on its own. Unlike non-essential amino acids (which your body can create on its own), essential amino acids come from your food. Your body needs essential amino acids to do a bunch of things, like digesting your food, building tissue and providing energy.

Complete proteins are often high on the priority list for people looking to lose weight or grow muscle, because essential amino acids help to do this. A common mistake many people make is thinking they should only be eating complete proteins. Some examples include meat (red and white), fish, dairy foods, eggs and soy. So don't think you need to overdo it on these girls!

If you’re eating a well-rounded diet (for example, foods from all of the main food groups), generally you should be able to get enough of these essential amino acids to fuel your body. Balance between complete and incomplete protein is important for optimal health. Eating a variety of brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes and grains, can provide you with enough amino acids.

You’re packing in too much protein after a workout

As with most foods, too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing! Sure, drinking a protein shake after a workout might be okay, as long as you are factoring it into your overall eating plan. Often, foods that are high in protein can also be high in saturated fats (meat is a great example). The extra fat content with your protein could potentially contribute to weight gain.

Instead of overloading once your workout is finished, try to include protein as part of your overall healthy eating plan. You don’t need to drink a mountain of protein shakes or eat a high-protein diet for your body to repair itself. A balanced diet should provide the nutrients needed for your body to be able to build muscle and burn fat. Don’t be fooled into thinking that protein shakes are a MUST post workout - I know a lot of girls feel like they have to have these in order to see results.


You don’t eat protein with each meal

If you eat small portions of protein throughout the day (for example, at each of your main meals), your body has enough time to break it down for absorption.

Protein also tends to keep you feeling fuller and keeps your blood sugar level consistent. That can help reduce sugar cravings, as well as keeping you fuelled for everything the day throws at you.

It’s super easy to add a variety of proteins into each meal - and I don't just mean chicken breasts! Try to mix it up with things such as Greek yoghurt in your muesli.

You use shakes or bars as your main protein source

Unfortunately, not all protein is equal. While making a protein shake or snacking on a protein bar is convenient, especially if you’re on the go, many varieties have added nasties. Some protein bars can be really high in sugar and preservatives.

For a quick boost of protein, snack on nuts, seeds or hard-boiled eggs instead. These are just as quick and convenient as protein bars and you can take them on the go with you. Real food protein sources provide other nutrients for your body as well. When you’re getting lunch ready to take with you each day, pack a simple protein-rich snack as well.

I’ve previously written about some great natural sources of protein, which can help you choose healthier snack options!

Eat protein as part of a balanced diet

Eating protein as part of a balanced diet is the best way to ensure your body gets the fuel it needs to grow and recover. What are some of your favourite ways to eat it?

Love, Kayla xx

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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