11 Ways To Have Your Best Week Ever

It's almost the weekend, and no matter how this week went, it is important to remember that we can start fresh on Monday (or Sunday if you want to over-achieve!). Having the mindset of the "mental refresh" helps you put any potential setbacks, or negative thoughts on the back burner, and push yourself to move ahead. It can also create an exciting outlook if you are open to switching up your routine!
Below are 11 things that you can do to spice up your typical regime, and get excited about starting next week, instead of dreading another Monday. By mixing up small things in your life, you can set the tone for bigger change. Try some or all of the things below for the upcoming week. Let me know what you think in the comments below!
1. Switch Up Your Tunes
I am a music fiend and always have some fun songs powering me throughout the day and through workouts. It is easy to keep listening to the songs you love on repeat, and while this is great, you should try to incorporate some new music into your playlists. Adding new music to your exercise routine or while at work can help you move faster, or give you some extra energy. It's all mental! If you aren't sure how to find new artists on your own, try a program like Spotify, Rdio, or Soundcloud. These are great platforms that help expose you to new music you might like! Some great songs I am listening to right now:
- Chandelier by Sia (also from my home country, Australia!)
- Sun Models by Odesza, a cool DJ duo
- Latch by Disclosure, featuring Sam Smith who is an amazing singer!
- I Need Your Love by Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding, super fun to work out to!
2. Get Up Early
Waking up just one hour earlier than normal (depending on when you are used to waking up, of course!) can make a big difference in your day. Having an extra hour can allow you time to make a healthy breakfast, go for a morning jog or walk, read a book, or work on a personal project. With an extra hour each morning you can also fit in a quick 28 minute workout! My programs are perfect for people who don't want to spend a lot of time exercising, but still want to see results. Make sure if you are waking up earlier than normal, to go to sleep one hour earlier than you usually do. You still need enough sleep to keep your metabolism functioning, and your hormones regular.
3. Keep A Journal
Writing can help clear your mind from the constant movement in your daily life. I find it helps to keep a notebook to jot down my general thoughts. This could be anything from a new recipe I want to try, my exercise log, or a problem I am facing. Writing not only helps you remember things, but if you are facing an issue that seems bigger than you can manage, putting it on paper can help spin a new perspective on the situation. It is also great to look back on previous writings, which I do every few months, to remember where I was at that time, and how I have moved forward. Try putting some of your thoughts on paper for just 5 minutes to start!
4. Make Time To Pamper Yourself
You are your own best friend, and if you don't treat yourself with respect, then how can you expect others to? Make yourself feel special by spending time doing things you love. Maybe try a new product you have been eyeing, or treat yourself to a manicure/pedicure! If you aren't the girly type, you can make yourself feel nice by doing something you typically save for special occasions. Maybe it's going to a new place to eat, or seeing a concert!
5. Meditation
Clear the mind. No really, you need to do it! Once in awhile, allowing yourself to sit completely still, with zero distractions from people or media can do wonders for the mind. Do 5 minutes to start, by sitting comfortably on the floor (use a pillow if you like!). Close your eyes, and try to not think about anything... for 5 minutes! Not as easy as you thought. If things do appear in your head, acknowledge them and let them drift away. For those 5 minutes, you want to be completely clear. After achieving 5 minutes, try to increase it a little each time!
6. Explore
Chances are you haven't explored everywhere in your current town/city or the outskirts! Letting yourself wander can help take you out of your comfort zone, and expose you to new things that might be right under your nose! Maybe check out a new performance, book club, or go on a hike. I often mix things up by taking a new route when I'm on my way home, or jogging down a different street with my dog. By keeping things fresh, you continue to allow yourself to grow, and become the best version of you!
7. Share The Love
Part of feeling great on the inside is also giving back to others. See your friend wearing a cute outfit, or new pair of earrings? Compliment her! Even sending a nice text or email to someone with a thoughtful few sentences can do wonders. We often don't realise how these small acts of kindness affect other people. It may seem tiny, but it could make a huge difference in their day. By consistently giving off kindness to others, you can simultaneously brighten your own disposition! It's really a win - win!
8. Positive Affirmations
When was the last time you said something nice to yourself?? That's right, I mean out loud, and of course proud. Try to say something like "I am beautiful inside and out," or starting the day with "It's a new day and I am going to kick butt today!" Saying things to yourself that are encouraging and show gratitude for what you have, are a great way to start the day and should be included in your daily life!
9. Try A New Food
Have you ever had Indian food? Or sushi? If not, you are missing out! And there might be a million other foods you haven't tried because you think you might not like them, but in reality, they could become your new favourite dish. I have a friend who refused to eat fish all her life, but finally agreed to try it at age 19. Guess what...She loved it! All of those years she could have been enjoying fish, but was too stubborn to give it a try. Don't fall into a rut with trying new things, or you can prevent yourself from living life to the fullest! My Nutrition Guide has tons of great ways to incorporate new foods into your diet, if you are unsure how to start!
10. Spruce Up Your Space
After awhile, our surroundings begin to blend together, and what used to stand out, now barely draws a glance. A way to shake things up is to rearrange some furniture, or get some new plants! I am a huge fan of fresh cut flowers and potted plants, as they are the easiest way to add some colour and life. Painting a wall a fun colour, or getting a new wall print is another way to spruce things up!
11. Smile
Be grateful for who you are, and where you are currently in your life. If you are facing challenges, be grateful for the opportunity to overcome them. There is so much to be thankful for! Embrace your weirdness and accept your differences. Without them, life would be quite boring.
Take these 11 things and try to incorporate as many of them as you can into your routine next week. Remember, although some of these suggestions may seem small, they can often be the catalyst for a bigger change.
Kayla x
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.
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