How To Survive The Day After A Bad Sleep – Kayla Itsines

How To Get Through The Day After A Bad Night's Sleep

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How To Get Through The Day After A Bad Night's Sleep
How To Get Through The Day After A Bad Night

That feeling that you just didn’t quite get enough sleep is never a good one! Whether you tossed and turned all night because you’re feeling stressed, or something else was keeping you awake, lack of sleep often leaves you a bit foggy the next day. Sleep is when your body works on recovery, while your brain works on storing memories and processing thoughts, so it is not unusual to feel a little sluggish if you didn’t get enough rest.

Bouncing back after a bad sleep

Here are some tips to help you get through the day after you’ve had a bad sleep. 

Drink some water 

A bad sleep may lead to dehydration, which may leave you feeling more tired. Your body uses up some of your water reserves during sleep, but if you spent time tossing and turning, you may have used more water. Even a mild form of dehydration may lead you to feel fatigued, cause a headache or leave you struggling to focus. When you’re low on fluids, your heart has to work harder to push nutrients and oxygen around your body. This can leave you feeling fatigued, so topping up your water intake can help if you’re feeling sluggish. 

Have breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast can not only help to wake you up, but it provides nutrients to fuel your body. I think breakfast is a must when you’ve had a bad sleep, because a mixture of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats can help to improve your memory and help you to focus. Eggs on toast with some avocado can help to keep you fuelled for the morning. If you can, hold off on that cup of coffee until later in the morning, when your body’s natural ‘wake-up’ signals have kicked in. 

Walk around 

If you normally spend your day sitting, then you should be taking regular breaks to move around already! Sitting all day may harm your body, potentially leaving you with reduced mobility in your hips. A few stretches or a quick walk around the office can help to get the blood flowing, which can leave you feeling more refreshed. The early afternoon is usually when you hit ‘peak’ tiredness, so try to get moving after you eat a healthy lunch

Get some sunlight

Getting enough vitamin D can be easier said than done sometimes, especially if you leave the house early in the morning or you work night shift. Exposure to natural light can slow the production of melatonin, which signals to your brain that you should be feeling sleepy. Some sunshine and fresh air can do wonders for waking you up. 

You girls know that I love to have an early night, haha! But like everyone, there are some nights when you just don’t get enough sleep. Next time that happens to you, give these tips a try and see if you feel more awake!

Love, Kayla xx 

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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