Ways To Be More Productive

As someone who is on the go a lot, I know how important it is to be productive. It’s really easy to get caught up with distractions and find yourself wondering “How is it 5pm already?! Where did the day go?” While you might have started the day with good intentions, sometimes it can be hard to get through everything that was on your list of things to do for the day. Different methods work for different people, but here are some of my suggestions on how you can be more productive.
If you spend 10 minutes each day looking for your shoes or keys and find them under piles of mess, then it’s time to declutter! All of the time spent searching for things can add up quite quickly over the course of a week. And instead of trying to find that post-it note you wrote an important number on, you could have been crossing some important tasks off of your “to do” list. If your house or desk is starting to look a little messy, start by spending just 5 minutes everyday clearing away some of the mess. Not only can this help clear your mind, but you may find that you have more time to spend on the things that matter!
Write things down
When you’re busy and feeling overwhelmed it can be really easy to forget things - like when that next assignment is due or what ingredients you need to buy for dinner tonight. I find that keeping a list helps to organise my thoughts, as well as reminding me of where I have to be each day. Once you’ve worked out what you need to achieve that day or week, work out how much time you’ll need to complete each task and set some mini deadlines. It might take you a while to get used to prioritising items, but keep at it and you’ll notice the difference in the long run. Just don’t feel bad if you get a little behind. As the saying goes, “Don’t sweat the small stuff”.
Plan the night before
Not a morning person, or struggle to get out of bed when your alarm goes off? Make life easier for yourself and plan as much as you can the night before. Lay out the clothes you intend to wear and pack a gym bag. Make some overnight oats so that you have breakfast ready for the next morning. Taking a few moments before bed to do these things means you won’t be rushing as much in the morning, so you are less likely to feel frazzled before you even leave the house. Starting your day stressed out is no way to get stuff done!
Make time to switch off
Your body and mind need time to relax. If you don’t take time off from your busy schedule or inbox full of messages, fatigue can set in. Once this happens, you may find it harder to make decisions and to focus on each task. Schedule time to do something you enjoy, whether that be catching up with friends, reading a book or playing with your pet. Spending time doing something you love can provide a boost to your mental health, which is also really important.
Once you’ve found a way to tap into your productivity, you’ll be surprised by how much spring it puts in your step. A busy lifestyle isn’t always a bad thing. It’s exciting to see what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it! Hopefully these tips help you to achieve your goals without feeling overwhelmed.
Love, Kayla xx
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