What It Means To Me To Be A Woman | International Women's Day – Kayla Itsines

What It Means To Me To Be A Woman

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What It Means To Me To Be A Woman
What It Means To Me To Be A Woman

March 8th is International Women’s Day  — a day for celebrating the achievements of women around the globe. I’m very lucky to feel supported by amazing women every single day, and I think it’s really important to recognise the incredible things that women do! In some countries around the world, International Women’s Day is actually a holiday. 

This day holds a special place in many people’s hearts because it’s a day of recognition for every woman. For those who fight for women’s rights, for those who are leaders in their field and help change the world, for those raising the next generation of amazing women and for every woman who inspires others. I want to mark this special day by talking about what it means to be a woman for me personally. 

Being a proud granddaughter, daughter, sister and partner

International Women’s Day is a great time to celebrate the women in our lives — I have such strong and passionate women as role models in my life. I’m incredibly lucky! And I am proud to stand beside them and to acknowledge the amazing things that they do. They support me as a follow my dreams and they teach me something new every day. 

Challenging stereotypes

For such a long time, fitness and personal training was a male-dominated field. While there has definitely been a shift, I’m passionate about encouraging more women to pursue fitness if that is something they want! It’s incredible to watch a rise in the number of women stepping into the weights room and not being afraid to train how they want. I’m proud that so many women are challenging the stereotypes that weight-lifting isn’t feminine or that having a muscular body isn’t something a woman should aspire to. Your body is YOUR BODY. You are in the driver's seat, so don’t let other people make decisions about how you care for your body. 

On this day, we can reflect on how far women have come. We are actively pushing the envelope in so many areas, not just in fitness, but also in business, politics, civil rights, education and many more spaces. Yes, we still have a long way to go. But I am so proud that as women, we’re speaking out and driving that change!

Celebrating women

I am so honoured to be a part of such an amazing group of women like the Sweat Community. To be a part of a community who celebrate women, who support women and offer advice, who shine a light on each other’s achievements. One of the key themes of International Women’s Day is respect — having respect for women and for ourselves. We should continue to proudly celebrate our individual qualities and to inspire each other to achieve our individual goals.

I hope you all get a moment to think about or to celebrate the incredible women in your life on International Women’s Day. You might also like to think about what you can do to encourage and empower other women. Together, we can become even stronger!

I’d love to hear what being a woman means to you!

Love, Kayla xx

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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