Healthy Pineapple Sorbet Recipe – Kayla Itsines

Healthy Pineapple Sorbet Recipe

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Healthy Pineapple Sorbet Recipe
Healthy Pineapple Sorbet Recipe

When you want to cool off on a hot day, or you want a healthy dessert option that is light and refreshing, this Pineapple Sorbet is a perfect choice. The fresh ripe pineapple is so full of flavour, and there's so many surprising healthy benefits of pineapples. A healthy sorbet is so easy to make. Seriously — you throw pretty much all of the ingredients into the blender! 


Healthy Pineapple Sorbet Recipe

For the best pineapple sorbet, I like to choose a really ripe pineapple that is quite heavy for its size. That way you get plenty of juice and the sorbet is that perfect mix of tangy and sweet.

Don’t forget to check out my recipe for watermelon sorbet if you love this one! 


Total time: 5 mins + overnight freezing time
Serves: makes approx. 1 litre
Dietary preferences: Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy-free, Gluten-free, Nut-free


  • 1 ripe pineapple, roughly chopped
  • 125ml coconut water
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated
  • lime juice, to taste
  • toasted coconut, to serve.


1. Place the pineapple, coconut water, ginger and lime juice in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into an airtight container and freeze for 1-2 hours.

2. Remove the pineapple sorbet from the freezer and pour back in the blender and blend until smooth. Spoon the sorbet back into the airtight container and freeze overnight.

3. To serve, place the sorbet into glasses and garnish with the toasted coconut. Enjoy!

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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